John Nathan Brown
John Nathan Brown was born to Thomas and Hannah Brown on January 4, 1780, in Creagerstown, Maryland. At age 10, on April 4, 1790, he was baptized at St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Creagerstown along with his 6-year-old sister Catharine Dorothea. The record (see under Hannah’s Story) shows his name as “John Nasan” and lists his parents and that he was sponsored by “Hanna, the mother.” Thomas Brown is presumed to have died between 1786 and 1789.
Nine years late, in June of 1799, he married Mary Nancy Buhrman at the St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Hagerstown, Maryland. The records show their names as “Joh. Braun – Nanzi Porman.” After Nancy died, he married Elizabeth “Betsy” Smith on November 11, 1814. His children from both marriages were John Quincy Adams, b. 1800; William David “Cricket Bill”, b. 1803; Elizabeth, b. 1807; Lydia Ann, b. 1819; Henry, b. 1821; Levi, b. 1823; Daniel, b. 1825; Mary Magdalena, b. 1826; and Levina, b. 1832.
Tradition has it that John Nathan Brown lived on what was later known as the John Stottlemeyer place and even later as the Glen Delauter place where his son Henry Brown eventually lived. It may have been across from Mt. Moriah Lutheran Church. A number of his land deals have been reported. In 1803 he supposedly paid $800 for the deed for 100 acres of “Resurvey on Small Beginning” from George Hospelhorn. In 1804 he acquired “Addition to Lemmons Vineyard” from George Cooke that he later sold to his brother-in-law Jacob Poorman (Buhrman), Sr. In 1811 he bought more acreage from the earlier “Resurvey on Small Beginning.” In 1818 he received the deed for “Deer Park and Addition” from George Ellicott. He also had other land deals (see his will, later).
In 1821 he with his brothers signed the school subscription document for the education of his children at Henry Buhrman’s school. And as it regards children, there were plenty to work the many farms and to continue this branch of the family.
His eldest son, John Quincy Adams Brown, married Mary Ann Stevenson. He was a chair maker. They had seven children, two of whom were also named for presidents: William Henry Harrison Brown and Allen Zachary Taylor Brown. In the fall of 1863, after the Battle of Gettysburg in July of that year, John Quincy Adams and his wife and son Allen Zachary Taylor, age 14, all succumbed to typhoid fever.
The second son, William David Brown, was known as “Cricket Bill,” although no one seems to know why he was given that moniker. In 1850 the U.S. Census shows him as living on a farm in District 10, Frederick County. He married Mary (Polly) Toms and they had 10 children. His son Ezra Brown married Drusilla Olive Smith and she bore him 16 children. She died at the age of 42 of typhoid fever and is buried with several of her children in the Mt. Bethel Church Cemetery in Garfield, Maryland. Their oldest son David Columbus Brown had 15 children. Cricket Bill’s daughter Hannah Catherine Brown married David Obadiah (“Bedie”) Lewis and they had 11 children. Cricket Bill and David Columbus Brown were farmers, as was Bedie Lewis. Ezra Brown ran a general merchandise store and he also later farmed. He was involved in a long-running feud with his neighbor Harvey Buhrman, who was a physician who had served as a surgeon in the 7th and 11th Maryland Infantry during the Civil War and also Ezra’s second cousin (see Family Stories).
“Cricket Bill” and his wife Mary are buried at a small Brown Family graveyard on the farm of Paul Gilroy. He died on April 10, 1868, aged 61y, 11m, and 13 d. The inscription reads:
Farewell my children
From you a father Christ doth call.
Mourn not for me.
It is in vain to call me to your sight again.
His wife Mary had died two years earlier and her inscription reads:
Diseases long I did endure and pains did wreck my frame
Until at last Christ’s summon sure relieved me from my pains
Don’t you hear them singing children
Listen to the music swell
Now I hear you loving children
God be with you
Fare you well.
The estate sale was listed in the Hagerstown Mail on February 12, 1869, administered by his son Ezra.
Henry Brown, the third son, in 1850 had $900 worth of real estate and by 1870 this had grown to $2000 worth of property. This might have been the farm across from Mt. Moriah Lutheran Church. He married Mary Toms and in 1870 three daughters are listed with their parents. They had eight children. Many of their grandchildren are buried in the Mt. Moriah Church cemetery as infants. His daughter Selena lost at least six babies and his daughter Florence Virginia Brown Himes lost 10, although eight of her children did survive. Typhoid was rampant during the late 1860’s and 1870’s and probably the cause of a lot of this sorrow.
Levi Brown, the fourth son, in 1850 on the U.S. Census is listed as a laborer and living with his widowed mother and younger sister Levina. But in 1852 he married Mary Manahan and they were blessed with nine children. Daniel, the fourth son, married Sarah Ann Manahan and they had 11 children.
Of John Nathan’s daughters, Elizabeth married Dennis Manahan; Lydia Ann married Henry Manahan; Mary Magdalena married Abraham Comfort; and Levina never married.
John Nathan Brown died in 1840 or in early January 1841. From the Equity Court Abstracts HS-6 from Frederick County, Maryland, 503-519, dated November 1841, his estate listing gives the following information:
John Nathan Brown, d. abt. 1840 intestate
widow – Elizabeth
s/ John Brown Jr and w/ Mary Ann
s/ William d. Brown and w/ Mary
d/ Elizabeth w/o Dennis Manahan
d/ Magdalena w/o Abraham Comfort
d/ Lydia w/o Henry Manahan
s/ Henry Brown
s/ Daniel Brown, a minor
s/ Levi Brown, a minor
d/ Levina Brown, a minor
Land – “Deer Park", 49 acres, from George Ellicott and w/ Elizabeth of Baltimore County in 1818, on south side of Caspar Creek in Catoctin Mountain; also "Addition to Deer Park", 104 acres; adjoins "Resurvey on Israel's Lot", "Naughts Never in Danger" and "Sweep Stakes." Property is located 3 miles from Harbaugh's Valley and 2 miles from David Wolfe's tavern and adjoins lands of Daniel Buhrman and Abraham Toms Sr. There are 2 log houses, a log barn and other outbuildings, orchard of apple and peach trees and spring of good water near each house; total lands are 1531/2 acres.
In a court filing in November of 1841, Magdalena and husband Abraham Comfort attest that they sold their interests to her brother Henry Brown. On February 5, 1842, testimony was heard at the house of George P. Fox from William Toms who declared that he was acquainted with the family. Guardianship of the three minor children Daniel, Levi, and Levina was granted to their widowed mother Elizabeth; William D. Brown was appointed trustee of the estate. On March 5, 1842, sale was made to Henry Brown for the large tract at $1,025.11; to Daniel Buhrman for 27 acres at $302.50; and to Elizabeth Brown for 16+ acres at $163.87. On April, 25, 1842, the widow stated she was 50 years old and afflicted with rheumatism; she was allowed 2/17 share. Distributions were as follows: widow, $161.87; each heir 1/9 share, $134.89. The estate was closed May 12, 1849.
John Nathan Brown’s burial site is not known. Both of his wives are buried in Mt. Moriah Lutheran Church Cemetery, and family lore states that he was buried by the tree line there, but there is no marker.
“The Brown Family,” by Andree W. Wilson-Taylor, in Antietam Ancestors, Volume V, no. 1, and her additional research.
Equity Court Abstracts HS-6 from Frederick County, Maryland, 503-519, November 1841.
Baptismal Records of St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Creagerstown, Maryland, available at
Records of the St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Hagerstown, Maryland, by Mary Burgner Greenawalt, Hagerstown, MD, n.d., Volumes 1 and 2.
Descendants of John Nathan Brown
John Nathan Brown
b. 1/4/1780 Creagerstown, MD
bap. 4/4/1790 at St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Creagerstown, MD
d. late 1840 or early Jan. 1841, Foxville, MD, intestate
occ: farmer
m1. Mary Nancy Buhrman (1780-abt. 1814) in June 1799 at St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church,
Hagerstown, MD
(d/o Johannes Buhrman Sr. & Katherine Ellen Martin)
Children of first marriage:
I. John Quincy Adams (1/11/1800-10/4/1863), aged 68y, 8m, 22d, typhoid fever
bap. 11/16/1800 Apples Church, Thurmont, MD
bur. Burns Hill Cemetery, Waynesboro, PA
occ: chair maker
m. Mary Ann Stevenson (1811-1863, typhoid fever)
Both bur. Brown’s Cemetery
A. Hester Ann (1834-1891)
m. Jerrett Washington Benchoff on 2/2/1858
B. John W. (4/14/1836-2/11/1913)
C. Anna Mary M. (1838-1858)
D. William Henry Harrison (4/10/1842-12/8/1921, liver carcinoma)
m. Mary Lucinda Frieze (9/23/1843-11/7/1933) in 1870
1. Bertha F. (4/10/1876-4/15/1966)
2. Luella D. (b. 1877)
3. Carrie F. (b. 1879) (single)
E. Allen Zachary Taylor (1848-1863, typhoid fever)
F. Ellen (b. 1849)
G. Elizabeth (4/25/1851-2/2/1890)
II. William David (“Cricket Bill”) (5/6/1803-4/19/1868)
m. Mary (Polly) Toms (1807-1866)
Both bur. the Brown Family Cemetery on Gilroy Farm, off Rt. 77
occ: farmer with $400 real estate in 1850 District 10, Frederick County, MD
A. Delila (1827)
B. Sophia (11/26/1828-7/31/1861), bur. St. Mark’s Lutheran Cemetery, Wolfsville, MD
m. George Benjamin Rice
1. Hannah Elizabeth, m. James F. Slick
2. Mary Catherine, m. Benjamin Protzman
3. Ann Deliah, m. Cornelius Edward Fitz
C. Hiram (11/12/1830-4/19/1861, aged 30y, 4m, 28d), bur. Mt. Bethel Church Cemetery,
Garfield, MD
m. Nancy A. Bowers
D. Ezra (1/27/1832-3/8/1906 bur. Smithsburg Cemetery)
m. Drusilla O. Smith (1/23/1838-12/12/1880 typhoid fever; bur. Mt. Bethel Church
Cemetery, Garfield, MD)
1. David Columbus (3/2/1857-12/1/1907)
occ: farmer
m. Sarah Alice Lumm (2/12/1861-12/48/1942) on 1/17/1878 in German Reformed Church,
Wolfsville, MD
a. Bessie Viola (5/19/1882-9/5/1962)
m. Charles Anthony Toms in 1906
1) Marshall Paul (1907-1939)
2) Margaret Edna (1907-1990)
3) Olive Ruth (1909-2008)
4) Jessie Louise (1913-1923)
5) Harry Quentin (1919-1989)
b. Rosa May (1/6/1884-1/9/1884)
c. Sarah Lavinia (10/28/1884-4/25/1885), twin
d. Mary Drusilla (10/28/1884-7/25/1967), twin
m. Russell Talmer Miller
e. Elizabeth Gazella (8/27/1886-4/8/1965)
m. William Alden Sisler
f. Fannie Esther (7/8/1888-11/29/1972)
m. Harry Clinton Spielman
g. Jennie Rosina (1890-1940)
m. Samuel F. Webb
1) James Stanley (1912-1958)
2) David Orville (1914-1977)
3) Bessie E. (1916-1948)
4) Sarah D. (1919-1988)
5) Reuben Paul (1921-1955)
6) Josephine Rebecca (1925-2003)
h. Margaret Clyde “Margie” (1891-1976)
m. Jesse Jacob Brown
1) Mahlon Joseph (1909-1960)
m. Viola Elizabeth Toms
a) Robert M. (10/31/1931-1/24/2024)
mil: US Navy Korean War
2) Raymond J. (b. 1910)
3) Nina Pearl (1913-1973), m. Bohn
4) Carmen Irene
5) Lewis Verne (1/17/1917-3/18/1929)
6) Jesse David (6/3/1919-1/11/1996)
m. Beulah Irene Piper on 5/24/1941
7) Ruby Kathleen (1921-1984), m. Sower
8) Iris June (1924-2012)
9) Marjorie (1926-1926)
10) Shirley Viola (9/6/1928-2/10/2002)
m1. Roy Charles Delauter in 1947 (killed in North Korea on 12/2/1950, age 21)
a) Living Daughter
b) Living Daughter
m2. George Lee Kline
c) Bernard Lee Kline (1951-1977)
d) Living Son
e) Jesse Jay Kline (1955-1972, hit by car)
11) Dixie Faye (11/19/1929-2/24/2012), m. Charles M. Eccard
12) Harry Wayne (4/14/1934-1/2/1979), m1. Bertha Virginia Poper; m2. Marjorie Smith
13) Judith Dawn (1935-2008), m. Hartman
14) Rosalie Gail (1938-2010), m1. Clark; m2. Smith; m3. Friend
i. Alice Manzella (10/26/1893-3/18/1971)
m. Martin Luther Smith in 1909
1) Raymond Floyd (1909-1910)
2) Esther Elizabeth (1911-1999)
3) Sylvia Alice (1913-1990)
4) Paul (1915-1915)
5) Bruce Coleman (1916-1965)
6) Mary Louise (1925-2021)
7) John David (1927-1989)
8) Jean Rosalie (5/15/1931-1/12/2023), m. Richard (Buddy) Cordori
9) Robert Martin (1934-2002)
j. David Orville (6/18/1895-1965)
m. Hazel Wolfe
1) Ralph Orville (12/12/1915-4/5/1988)
2) Carroll D. (11/16/1918-10/18/1975)
3) Thelma (1926-1939)
4) Kenneth Roman
5) Eloise Marie (b. 4/30/1936), m. ____ Mummert
k. Reuben Coleman (10/6/1897-5/9/1954)
m. Page O. Buhrman
1) Basil (1923-1999)
2) Gerald Russell (1924-1999)
3) Francis Coleman (1927-1992)
l. Albert Stanley (5/29/1899-9/1/1951)
m1. Meta E. Getridge
m2. Ina G. Bechtold
m. Russell Paul (1901-1905)
n. Miriam Kathleen (7/3/1903-3/3/1993)
m. Charles Marion Harbaugh (1925-2007)
1) Marian Elizabeth (8/9/1925-9/9/2007)
m. Roscoe Wolfinger Boward (12/6/1918-12/17/1975) in 1946
2) Infant (1947-1947)
o. Margaret Evangeline (4/9/1905-2/1/1976)
m. George Roberts
1) Patricia Elizabeth (1929-2000)
2. Catherine Rebecca (2/25/1859-4/11/1927)
m. Michael E. Toms (1845-1920)
a. Floyd Ezra (1882-1954)
b. Cyrus Raymond (1883-1971)
c. Emmett Lewis (1885-1959)
d. Drusilla May (1888-1959)
e. Martin Theodore (1889-1890)
f. Reuben Michael (1893-1971)
g. Paul Elmer (1895-1951)
h. Catherine Maria (1897-1978)
i. female infant (1899-1899)
j. George Preston (1900-1979)
k. Oleatha Olive (1902-1989)
Three female infants (1878, 1879, 1881)
3. Lewis N. (3/4/1860-5/29/1928)
m. Mary Emily Cash (1878-1950)
a. Olive Drusilla (1900-1969)
b. Milton Louis (1903-1990)
c. Herbert Allen (1905-1974)
d. Myrtle Missouri (1908-2000)
4. Mary Amanda (Mollie) (9/13/1861-1/2/1938, obit), twin
5. Martha Urbanna (9/13/1861-3/18/1919), twin
m. Horatio Nelson Brown (1861-1891)
a. Elsie Melzina (1891-1891)
b. Mabel Urbanna (1891-1966)
6. Andrew Jackson (4/15/1863-1/24/1864)
7. Reuben E. (9/22/1864-4/25/1884)
8. John William (8/5/1866-11/3/1951)
m. Mary Estella Kelbaugh (9/10/1883-1/25/1938, obit)
9. Lillie A. (3/22/1868, Garfield-2/15/1937, Smithsburg)
m. William Henry C. Russman
a. Grover Cleveland (1885-1968)
m. Orpha Ruth Smith
mil: WW II
b. Elsie V. (1887-1925)
c. Irene Pearl (1888-1933)
m. William Allenberg (1896-1959)
1) Virginia E., m. Alfred P. Fehl
2) H. June, m. ___ Fuller
3) William M. (10/19/1922-12/5/1997)
mil: WW II and Korean War
occ: extension agent in Carroll County, MD, and agriculture teacher at Boonsboro High School;
owner of Mount Spring orchard
m. Ann Thomas (5/23/1925-7/26/1999)
d. Elizabeth (1890-1892)
e. Clarence A. (1897-1971)
f. Earnest (b. 1898)
g. Maurice R. (12/25/1898 MD-6/1/1939 Jersey City NJ)
10. Emma May (10/10/1869-4/28/1886)
11. Ada Virginia (2/10/1871-1/31/1926)
m. Adam W. Toms
12. Bertha Ethel (Birdie) (4/15/1873-9/23/1944)
m. Wilford Clayton Toms
a. Sadie M. (1896-1968)
b. Beulah D. (1898-1921)
c. Clyde Wilfred (1899-1932)
d. Glenn Ellsworth (1900-1979)
13. Joseph D. (5/28/1874-12/11/1879), Foxville, MD
14. Stella V. (2/28/1876-4/4/1876)
15. Walter Alvin (11/19/1877-6/16/1952)
m. Minnie Grace Lewis (1884-1941) (his half-cousin)
a. Clyde Alvin (4/25/1901-5/17/1964), bur. Mt. Bethel Cemetery, Garfield, MD
m. Susan Dorothy Williard (1912-1976)
1) Clara Ruth (9/30/1928-22/27/2014), bur. Friends Creek Cemetery,
Thurmont, MD
m. Russell N. Hardman
2) Walter Edward (7/15/1932-5/26/2002), Mt. Bethel Cemetery, Garfield, MD
3) Dorothy Grace (1933-?)
4) Clyde Frank (8/15/1934-3/8/2014), bur. Brown’s Cemetery
mil: 82nd Airborne, US Army
5) Rena Imogene (1/31/1937-4/23/2021), Germantown Bethel Cemetery
m. Bennie Lee Smith (1936-2023) on 11/14/1955
a. Carl Lee (8/6/1956-12/6/2024), bur. Bethel Cemetery, Cascade, MD
6) Betty Jane, m. Wetzel
7) Living Son
8) Cyrus Alvin
9) Daniel Lawrence (5/31/1943-1/19/2018), bur. Brown’s Cemetery
occ: construction, bridge building
10) Miriam Susan (1950-2017), bur. Mt. Bethel Cemetery, Garfield, MD
b. Mabel Mae (2/18/1903-12/27/1995)
m. Glenn Killian Willard, Sr. (3/22/1897-12/19/1991)
occ: dairy farmer
1) Helen Mae (7/26/1919-10/9/1972)
m. Theodore Favorite “Ted” Buhrman (1919-1983)
2) Ethel Margaret (8/26/1921-7/9/2015)
m. Edgar Eugene “Barney” Barnhart (1922-2009) on 6/25/1948
3) Glen K. Jr. (4/14/1923-12/4/1991)
occ: owner of Willard’s Turkey Farm
m. Martha Bina Smith (10/29/1922-2/1/2018)
4) Russell Grover (3/7/1925-3/16/2013)
m. Anna May Pryor (1928-2019)
5) Grace Marie (8/27/1927-12/16/2020)
occ: registered nurse
m. David Hafer Andrews (4/14/1928-11/25/2013)
occ: ordained minister of Evangelical United Brethren Church
6) Chester Melancthon (10/16/1930-12/27/2014)
occ: employee of Western Maryland RR and Victor Cullen Center
m. Eileen Mary Draper (12/17/1932-6/16/2016) on 6/22/1951
7) Betty, m. Jim Kunkle
8) Alice
c. Pearl Victoria (2/7/1905-3/31/1976), bur. Mt. Bethel Cemetery, Garfield, MD
m. Clifford D. Willard on 2/24/1923
1) Clifford William (1923-1989)
2) Pauline Elizabeth “Polly” (11/28/1926-9/23/2007)
m. Frank M. Eccard
3) Calvin (6/11/1929-2/22/1995)
m. Delores Jane Gift
4) Ruth Irene (1932-2016)
5) Harry Eugene (1922-2011)
6) Harold R. (10/15/1938-1/12/2018)
m. Joann E. Martin
7) Richard
8) Jesse
d. Ruth Leona (10/17/1906-12/16/1994)
m. William J. Wilhide (1903-1957) in 1933
e. Earl Washington (4/3/1909-1/14/1933)
f. Jennie Rae (1910-4/25/1965)
m. Homer Ward Kline (1907-1977)
1) Earl H. (2/20/1927-7/17/1992)
2) George Lee (5/31/1929-11/1/1989), m. Shirley Viola Brown Delauter
3) Eva R. (1931-1983), m. Richard C. Pryor (1923-1992)
a) Richard E. (1951-11/6/2022, Dacala, GA)
4) Living Daughter
5) Maurice C. (2/28/1941-3/31/2015), m. Frances L. Manahan
6) Roy C. (8/6/1944-4/2/2015), m. Phyllis M. Spoonire
g. Frederick Milton (2/1/1920-8/30/1967)
16. Cyrus Rufus (d. 2/24/1945)
bur. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Cemetery, Point of Rocks, MD
m. Sadie Misner
a. Pearlie M.
E. Hannah Catherine (10/31/1833, Foxville, MD-12/19/1917, Garfield, MD)
m. David Obadiah Lewis (10/4/1833 Foxville-12/1/1923 Hagerstown, MD) on 4/17/1856 in Waynesboro, PA
(unless marked, all the children were born and died in Foxville, MD)
1. Sarah Alice (8/1/1857-5/7/1869)
2. William Henry (5/31/1860-11/2/1862)
3. Thomas J. (10/16/1861-12/6/1939, Ohio)
4. Mary Virginia (1/22/1864-4/24/1869)
5. Catherine Delilah (1/21/1866-5/27/1866)
6. David Obadiah (4/29/1867-4/7/1930)
m. Clara Ellen Toms (11/30/1868-3/6/1944)
Many members of this family are buried in Mt. Bethel Cemetery, Garfield, MD
a. Mary Alice (11/2/1889-9/18/1988)
m. Charles Andrew Kuhn (1883-2/16/1977)
1) Edna Leah (12/26/1907-9/29/1998)
m. Cyrus Paul Lewis (1903-1992)
a) Calvin R. (1930-1996)
m. Lucille Lewis
b) Patricia A. (2/22/1933-9/21/2001)
m. Floyd H. McAfee
c) Shirley M. (b. 10/17/1936)
m. Kenneth R. Runkles (1935-1992)
d) Lillian Alice (2/13/1941-5/8/2019)
m. Charles Russell Angell (1936-2020)
2) Ruth Amelia (7/17/1910-2/25/1998)
m. Leo Frederick Brandenburg (11/30/1907-11/3/1962)
a) Ellen Ruth (11/19/1927-6/29/2005)
m1. Garmon Roscoe Linton; m2. John Alexander Coulombe;
m3. John J. Baltzley
b) Doris Faye (4/6/1932-3/27/2015)
m. Thomas C. Keller (1930-2014)
c) Janice Elizabeth (5/5/1934-3/12/2001)
m1. Roland Rudell Stup; m2. Calvin Michael Geisbert
d) Leo Charles (8/5/1941-5/16/2019)
e) Connie Louise (1942-1/11/2013)
m. ____ Hoffman
3) Hazel V. (1912-2006)
m1. Willie F. Delauter; m2. Samuel K. Weigel
4) Catherine Clara (9/4/1915-5/15/2013)
m. Floyd G. Hurley (1912-1973)
a) Charles Richard (1934-2012)
b) Ralph Eugene (1939-2016)
5) Roy W. (1919-8/4/1921)
6) Eugene Garland (8/17/1923-5/14/1949 killed by lightning, age 25, while helping to dig a well)
m. Sarah E. Lewis (1926-2002)
7) Emma Mae (5/23/1929-5/26/2011)
m. Earl William Humerick (1921-1971)
a) Timothy O. (1950-2012)
b) Living Son
8) Jim (per obit for Ruth)
b. Anna Mae (10/1/1891-3/13/1965)
m. Charles Elmer Clementine “Clemmie” Kuhn (7/2/1885-2/16/1954)
1) Ethel M. (4/24/1909-7/16/2002)
a) Robert Junior Pryor (1929-2006)
m. Martha Virginia Fisher
m. Parker Samuel Wolfe (1911-1994)
b) Howard Glen (1932-2011)
m. Charlotte R. Wolfe (1935-1999)
2) Clifford Melvin (3/21/1911-11/6/1937)
3) Austin Leroy (1/22/1913-9/7/1999)
mil: US Army
occ: farmer
4) Russell Guy (2/13/1916-1/13/1969)
mil: US Army, Armored Div. WW II
m. Helen Virginia Holmes (1924-2009)
5) Elsie R. (1918-11/25/1971)
m. Earl W. Gilbert
6) Rosa Catherine (4/11/1920-6/21/2011)
m. Alvey George Kline
7) Mabel Irene (11/15/1922-1/31/2013)
m. Clarence Edwin Jenkins (1919-2006)
8) David F. (5/11/1925-10/26/2003)
mil: US Army WW II
c. Roy Leo (11/22/1894-11/20/1984)
m. Maggie Beatrice Harne (1893-1984)
d. Alta (Altie) Naomi (11/14/1896-9/3/1948)
m. Benjamin Sheridan Lewis (1885-1966)
1) Josephine C. (1914-1914)
2) Marshie Irene (11/4/1915-5/19/1992)
a) Dorsey Ellsworth Lewis (1932-5/20/2014), raised by grandfather
m. Arlene V. Wolfe
b) Landon Legore Lewis (8/6/1936-10/9/2013), raised by grandparents
m. Joann Mason
mil: US Army
occ: D. L. Brown Construction
m. Milton Ray Wolfe, Sr. (5/3/1915-12/24/2014)
3) Goldie Pearlene (4/28/1917-1/28/2000)
m1. Albert Cline; m2. Donald Shaw
4) Benjamin Gaither (10/19/1923-1/18/2003)
m. Edna E. Willard
e. Haven Pearl (6/16/1899-7/14/1998)
1) Donald Glenn Wolfe, Jr. (4/27/1915-6/20/1986)
2) Josephine Pearl Lewis (Duncan) (1921-1/22/1945)
3) Lois A. Brown (12/2/1933-8/19/2018)
(her father was Anges Girlaw Brown, s/o William Henry Brown;
gs/o Henry Brown; ggs/o John Nathan Brown and Elizabeth Smith)
m. Basil Homer Kuhn (8/25/1924-2/22/2011)
mil: US Navy, Purple Heart recipient WWII
a) Basil E. Kuhn, Sr.
m. Joseph Raymond Kendall (1890-1967)
f. Rosa Irene (2/14/1902-9/4/1967)
m. Roy Braden Smith
g. Hazel Ellen (10/4/1904-3/28/1951)
m. R. Leroy Miller (1905-1975)
1) Shirley Marie (12/16/1929-8/18/2021)
m. C. Richard Wagaman
h. Frank I. (10/21/1907-10/3/1968)
i. Marshall Jefferson (2/25/1913-10/12/1972)
m. Myrtle Viola Maugans (191201969)
7. Hannah Elizabeth (7/12/1869-8/17/1937, Hagerstown, MD)
m. John Wesley Castle (1869-1933)
a. Tressa E. (1889-6/10/1907, measles), bur. Mt. Bethel Cemetery, Garfield, MD
b. Beulah M. (1891-6/9/1907, measles), bur. Mt. Bethel Cemetery, Garfield, MD
c. Snowdrop Lee (1900-1986)
m. Joseph Eber Coons (1903-1983)
8. Emma J. 2/22/1871-10/1/1955)
m. Charles Edward McCauley Flair (1855-1932)
a. Rosa May (9/27/1887-12/18/1931), m. William Lee Cordell
b. Daisy N. (3/26/1891-11/18/1971, Miami Lakes, FL), m. Foukes
c. Lillie P. (1893-1900)
d. Mary Goldie (9/27/1895-5/18/1975), m. Victor Pierce Buhrman
e. Anna Viola (9/12/1897-2/23/1937), m. Frank T. Barr
f. Jesse Ray (6/13/1900-12/14/1968), bur. Charles City, IA
g. Charles Lewis (1917-11/11/1978)
and possibly three other daughters
9. Gazella M. (2/25/1873-9/19/1952)
m. Amos Richard Wolf (12/28/1869-11/21/1936)
Both bur. Mt. Bethel Church Cemetery, Garfield, MD
a. Roscoe Gaius (6/29/1890-6/11/1957), bur. Smithsburg Cemetery
mil: Cpl Co L 313 MD Infantry WW I
m1. Daisy E. Wolf (1894-1932); m2. Vera May Harshman (1906-1958)
b. Lewis Henry (4/18/1894-1/17/1956)
mil: Illinois F3 US Navy WW I
m. Maude Marie Ridenour (1901-1953)
Both bur. Smithsburg Cemetery
c. Anna Ruth (1899-1899)
d. Mary Gazella (2/1/1901-5/18/1987)
m1 Leonard Gotleib Schmidt (1894-1966)
Both bur. Rose Hill Cemetery, Hagerstown, MD
e. Catherine Timmons (1902-1984), m. Russell Alvey Brown in 1956
f. Mark Weldon (1908-1909)
10. Rosa Pearl (1/22/1875-12/21/1969)
m. Reuben McAfee (7/1861-4/23/1946) (his 2nd wife)
bur. Mt. Bethel Cemetery
a. Reuben (1908-1908)
b. Robert Hunter (3/11/1912-3/10/1969)
m. Minnie Nora Delauter (3/20/1909-1/21/1988) (d/o Tracey Horine Delauter
1) Robert Elias (79/1934-1/16/2023
2) James Ruben (1935-2019)
3) Mary Louise (1945-2009) m. Robert Louis Claybaugh (1938-2021)
c. William R.
11. Charles Gabriel (3/21/1877-9/13/1879)
F. Elizabeth (1834-1901)
m. Jacob Gates on 1/11/1856 in Frederick County, MD
(s/o Christian Gates and Mary Ann Brown)
bur. Riverside Cemetery, Troy, OH
1. Mary E. (1856-1860)
2. Martin L. (1858-1932)
3. Anna Virginia (1859-1921)
4. Sarah Ellen (1860-1926)
5. Rosa Ann (1866-1880)
G. Jefferson (1842-1877)
m. Sarah E. Brown (b. 1843)
H. Mary Jane (1844-1862)
I. Catherine Malinda (1846-1867)
J. George
m. Clara Ellen Fox
III. Elizabeth (3/23/1807-7/6/1897); bap. 7/12/1807 Apples Church, Thurmont, MD
m. Dennis Manahan (1819-10/25/1885)
Both bur. Mt. Zion United Methodist Church Cemetery, Smithsburg, MD
A. Diana (1833-1872)
m. William D. Smith (2/15/1830-12/15/1914); he m2. Cornelia Ann Buhrman and had 5 more children
1. William J. (1849-1851)
2. Lewis (Calvin) (1853-1911, killed in gasoline explosion
occ: WMRR engineer, Highfield
m. Nancy Savilla Miller
3. Silas M. (1855-1856), bur. Mt. Zion United Methodist Church Cemetery
4. John Z. (157-1867), bur. Mt. Zion United Methodist Church Cemetery
5. Hester Ann (1863-1949), m. Peter G. Tracy
6. Martha S. (1866-1869)
7. Alfred C. (1869-1951), m. Sophia Fanetta Wolfe
8. Reuben R. (1872-2872)
B. Savilla (1836-1859) (single)
C. Evaline (1839-1845)
D. Seraphine (1842-1921)
m. William Stoops
E. Harvey B. (1847-1858)
F. Elizabeth
G. Melissa
m2. Elizabeth “Betsy” Smith (1791-1856) on 11/22/1814
(d/o Leonard Smith & Elizabeth Kuhn)
bur. Mt. Moriah Lutheran Church Cemetery, Foxville, MD
Children of second marriage:
IV. Lydia Ann (3/17/1819-3/25/1885)
m. Henry Manahan (1815-10/25/1885)
Both bur. Mt. Moriah Lutheran Church Cemetery, Foxville, MD
A. Ephraim L. (1842-1909)
m. Mary Ursula Fox
B. Cyrus Benton
m. Martha Virginia Cline
C. Mary L. (1851-1909)
m. Columbus Tracy
D. Sophia Elizabeth (1846-1910)
m. David Upton Wolfe
E. Daniel I. (1850-1912)
m. Amanda Ellen Buhrman
F. John H. (1854-1863)
V. Henry (1821-1/17/1878), bur. Mt. Moriah Lutheran Church Cemetery, Foxville, MD
occ: farmer in 1850 with property valued $900; by 1870 he owned property worth $2000
res: in 1850 and 1870 Frederick County District 10
m. Mary Toms (d. 6/8/1888, aged 60y, 10m, 3d) on 2/4/1846
Both bur. Mt. Moriah Lutheran Church Cemetery, Foxville, MD
A. Hester Ann (1/23/1847-7/26/1892)
m. Samuel L. Warner
B. William Henry (2/17/1848-12/1/1918)
No spouse known
1. Anges Girlaw (7/15/1895-4/5/1956 stroke),
bur. Mt. Moriah Lutheran Church Cemetery, Foxville, MD
m1. Ruth Estella Kipe (1899-1974)
a. Evelyn C. (1917-1997)
m. Max W. West
b. Frances Ruth (1920-1995)
m. Earl J. Stitely
c. Charlotte M. (1922-2005)
m1. Ernest L. Mowdy; m2. ___ Stouffer; m3. Samuel A. Hess
d. Sterling Lee “Bud” (8/6/1923-1/26/2000)
occ: engineer at Fairchild Industries, Hagerstown, MD and Landis Tool
Company, Waynesboro, PA
mil: US Army artillery in Europe in WWII
m. Mary Isabelle Milller on 4/18/1949
e. Wilbur Girlaw “Brownie” (1/26/1925-1/24/1993)
mil: US Army in Europe in WWII; awarded Purple Heart and three bronze stars
occ: mail carrier
m1. Bernice Miller on 5/24/1959; m2. Haven Pearl Lewis Kendall
f. Lois Agnes (12/2/1933-8/19/2018)
m. Basil Homer Kuhn (8/25/1924-2/22/2011)
mil: US Navy, Purple Heart recipient WWII
1) Basil E. Kuhn, Sr.
C. Hannah (12/24/1850-4/15/1930), bur. Browns Cemetery
m. John Wesley McAfee (1849-1922)
1. Ella May (2/21/1869-8/2/1919 in OH) (from injuries when automobile struck by train)
m. Walter Heaston
2. Emma (res: OH)
3. Flora, m. ___ Easton
4. Clara Easter (1876-4/14/1959), bur. Mt. Moriah Lutheran Church Cemetery
m. Joseph Edward Winton Williard (1873-1967)
a. Allen O. (2/21/1895-10/27/1946)
b. Marvin Russell (4/19/1897-1/17/1986)
c. Otho W. (11/19/1899-1/17/1902)
d. Roy E. (2/13/1902-12/10/1965)
e. Joseph Stanley (5/28/1905-1/23/1982)
f. Beulah Marie (1906-1995), bur. Germantown Bethel Church of God Cemetery, Cascade, MD
m. Martin W. Flaugher (1905-1971)
g. Susan Dorothy (1912-1976)
m. Alvin Brown (1901-1964) (s/o Walter Alvin and Minnie Grace Lewis Brown) (her half-cousin)
1) Clara Ruth (9/30/1928-22/27/2014), bur. Friends Creek Cemetery,
Thurmont, MD
m. Russell N. Hardman
2) Walter Edward (7/15/1932-5/26/2002), Mt. Bethel Cemetery, Garfield, MD
3) Dorothy Grace (1933-?)
4) Rene Imogene, m. Smith
5) Clyde Frank (8/15/1934-3/8/2014), bur. Brown’s Cemetery
mil: 82nd Airborne, US Army
6) Betty Jane, m. Wetzel
7) Living Son
8) Cyrus Alvin
9) Daniel Lawrence (5/31/1943-1/19/2018), bur. Brown’s Cemetery
occ: construction, bridge building
10) Miriam Susan (1950-2017), bur. Mt. Bethel Cemetery, Garfield, MD
h. Mazie Irene (5/7/1915-10/18/1997)
m. Charles William Bowman Sr. (1912-1997 on 8/12/1936
5. Frank J. (8/13/1882-10/29/1956), bur. Browns Cemetery
6. Bertie Viola (9/15/1888-8/2/1970), bur. Browns Cemetery
m. Albert J. Brown
a. Annabelle May (1907-1948), bur. Browns Cemetery
m. Paul Elmer Wolfe (1900-1964)
1) Sidney Jessie (1925-2008)
2) Paul Arlington (1929-1991)
3) Harold Westly (1937-1938)
b. Cora Arbellia (5/27/1909-12/19/1972)
m. David S. Shindledecker (1904-1977)
c. Edna Mae (2/26/1912-3/30/1927), bur. Browns Cemetery
d. Morris Albert (10/8/1916-3/22/1998), bur. Mt. Bethel Ceetery
m. Hilda Grace Smith (1917-1967)
e. Hiram Westley (6/20/1922-5/15/1979), bur. Browns Cemetery
m. Vera Evangeline Williard
f. Marion James “Jim” (1/26/1924-4/30/1980)
mil: Cpl US Army WWII
m. Lorraine E. Fleagle (1909-1977)
g. Martin Luther “Luke” 9/20/1925-6/18/1988), bur. Mt. Bethel Cemetery
m. Rayetta Virginia (1927-4/24/2024) (d/o of Raymond Addison
and Reba (Pryor) Williard and ggggd/o William Brown)
1) Rosalie Mae (5/26/1953-5/7/2017), bur. Mt. Tabor Church Cemetery, Rocky Ridge, MD
m. Eugene Stambaugh
(Two living daughters)
7. Alta Mabel (1/24/1892-10/10/1985), bur. Mt. Moriah Lutheran Church Cemetery
m. William Rufus Wagaman (1888-1962)
a. Glenn Albert (1912-1941)
b. Hazel Pauline (1915-1936)
c. Ray William (1917-1998)
d. Charles Franklin (1921-2002)
e. Mary Jane (1928-2012)
D. Selena M. (9/14/1852-4/19/1929)
m. Hiram H. Toms
Many children d. in infancy, bur. Mt. Moriah Lutheran Church Cemetery, Foxville, MD
E. Martha Ann (1857-3/23/1860)
F. Florence Anna Virginia (6/11/1860-11/25/1904)
m. Daniel J. Himes (6/12/1854-1/27/1939) on 10/19/1876
Both bur. Germantown Bethel Church of God Cemetery, Cascade, MD
Lost 10 children in infancy
1. Bessie Mae (1878-1956)
m. Walter A. Wolfe (1875-1947)
a. Oden Glen (5/18/1896-5/29/1969, Parkinson’s disease)
m. Ora Kathleen Garnhart
1) Violet I. (1919-2005)
2) Donald Walter (6/9/1921-6/15/1958, drowned while fishing)
3) Gladys (b. 3/22/1926)
4) Oden Glenn “Sonny” (b. 6/14/1928)
5) Robert (b. 11/6/1936)
b. Osten Blaine (8/27/1897-4/4/1898)
c. Marcia Mae (2/27/1899-3/21/1910, pneumonia, age 11)
d. Goldie Rae (7/29/1900-4/5/1984)
m. Ernest Rexford Kuhn on 2/14/1918
1) Virginia Rae (1918-2016), m. Norman Dale Draper
2) Martha Mae “Marty” (1920-2009)
3) Donald Eugene (1921-2016)
4) Charlotte Pauline (2/13/1923-4/17/1971), m. Martin Beachley
5) Esther Ruth (1924-1924)
6) Ernest Basil (1924-1924)
7) Paul Wolfe (11/27/1925-5/15/2022), m. Betty Yeates
8) Betty Jane (5/5/1927-3/4/2022), m. Martin David Harsh, Jr.
9) Evelyn Jeannette (1931-2011)
10) John Rex (b. 11/24/1932), m. Alma Ruth Rodderick
11) Infant son (1934-1934)
12) George Roland (3/15/1939-11/8/2024), bur. Garfield UMC Cemetery
occ: teacher and coach for Frederick County MD schools; lawn care business
13) Judith Ann, m. Robert House
e. Clifford Walter (8/2/1902-1/6/1970)
m. Mildred Rebecca Kuhn (724/1913-5/14/1973)
This family is buried in Mt. Bethel United Methodist Cemetery, Garfield, MD
1) Vera (10/19/1921-9/30/2002), m. William Floyd Hasenbuhler
2) Howard Leon (2/20/1923-6/29/1923)
3) Josephine (4/22/1924-5/16/1924)
4) Pauline (4/20/1925-1964), m1. Mr. Reeder; m2. Donald Stine Kipe
5) Clifford Walter (2/24/1927-9/12/1969 automobile accident), m. Phyllis Tritapoe
6) Elvin Theodore (1928-12/17/2012), m. Orma M. Warrenfeltz
7) Carolyn (4/23/1930-1/22/2022), m. Bradley Routzahn (d. 3/2021)
8) Jason V. (12/26/1936-5/6/2007), m. Joyce E. Robinson
9) Jackie Lee (1939-12/3/2016), m. May Brown
f. Eva Ruth (7/10/1905-12/22/1950)
m. James Luther Harne
1) Lois Miriam (b. 5/20/1935), m. George Lee Clark
2) Marguerite Ruth (b. 10/10/1924), m. David Pecenco
3) Doris Maxine (b. 1/15/1927), m. Robert Wiles
4) Delton Ray (b. 5/4/1929), m. Mildred “Midge” Gann
5) Bonnie Jean (b. 8/8/1930), m. Robert Willard
6) Meredith James (10/16/1941-4/12/1994), m. Frances Diante Tolbert
g. Daughter (1907-1907) twin
h. Daughter (1907-1907) twin
i. Evelyn Cole (10/25/1908-5/27/1986)
m. Homer Herman Lewis (1903-1978)
1) Homer (6/30/1926-4/4/2020), m. Nancy Lee Rowland (1941-2019)
a) Douglas Edward (1951-1951)
b) Darren Jay (1953-1998)
2) Gerald B. (9/29/1928-1/25/2004), m. Phyllis Belle Reeder
3) Connie Marlene (4/21/1934-6/24/2003), m. Richard L. Harbaugh
4) Wilda (3/12/1939-1/24/2024), twin, m. Roger Forcino
a) Rodney (6/26/1961-9/8/2006)
5) Wanda Kay (3/12/1939-12/17/2019), twin, m. John David Magaha, Sr.
6) Linda (9/3/1941-2/23/2023), m. Earl Clinton Hastings
j. Truman Martin (3/3/1910-9/11/1987)
m. Elizabeth Ruth Lewis
1) Lorraine Ruth (1/23/1930-2015), m1. Clifford Willard; m2. Wayne Hawk; m3. Richard Baker
2) Ronald Richard (7/29/1932-6/22/2000), m. Martha L. Lewis
3) Phyllis Jean (b. 9/25/1934), m. Kenneth John Cline
4) Austin “Ott” Leon (7/27/1936-2020), m. Shirley Hurley
5) Janet R. (1938-2019), m. Dennis Monn
k. Freda W. (9/7/1912-9/3/1999)
m. William A. Zajic
l. Willie Beider (1916-1997)
m. LaRue Bertha Rowe (7/23/1919-2014)
1) Nancy Lee (b. 6/1/1938), m. Horace Allen Bruce
2) Sharon Dee (1946-2020), m1 Ray Myers; m2. Andrew Nelson; m3. Henry Arneson
3) Terry Eugene (b. 11/9/1947), m. Gloria Jean Axline
m. Catherine Eileen (3/13/1918-12/12/1997)
m. Mehrle N. Wachter
1) Shirley (b. 10/19/1936)
2) Beverly Jean (b. 3/19/1938)
n. Oneita Grace (1920-2001)
m. Hoye Elwood Brandenburg (1917-2006)
2. Maurice Ellsworth (1/7/1880-11/18/1957)
m. Angie Ellen Forrest
a. Altie Pearl (b. 5/25/1902)
b. Olive May (b. 4/30/1904)
c. Harry Clyde (b/10/3/1905)
d. Paul (b. 6/1/1908)
e. Kathryn Virginia (11/17/1909-4/7/1995)
f. Lottie Rae (b. 1912)
3. Oley (1883-1946)
m. Bessie Myrtle Stuppes
a. Maggie Mae (b. 7/5/1906)
b. Edna (b/ 1/7/1908)
c. Clifford Glenn (b. 11/26/1909)
4. Ammie C. (5/3/1884-8/26/1948) (name spelling per headstone)
m. Edward T. Lewis
occ: farmer, near Pleasant Walk, MD
a. Cora M. 7/8/1903-11/20/1969)
b. Rufus (3/15/1905-3/31/1905)
c. Carrie (5/11/1906-8/29/1984)
d. Lester (4/8/1909-10/23/1966)
e. Earl (b. 2/25/1910)
f. Martha (11/18/1912-5/6/1997)
g. Leon (12/21/1915-1958)
h. Harrison (9/21/1917-12/12/1974)
i. Gaither (4/16/1920-10/8/1966)
j. Roscoe (7/22/1922)
5. Abbie Treccia (7/27/1886-1966)
m1. Daniel J. Brunner (12/7/1885-3/7/1908)
a. Daisy Olive (1/18/1904-11/13/1976)
m. John Russell Kline
1) Kenneth David (1/1/1921-11/14/1996
m. Louise May Barkdoll
2) Vauda Adele (7/25/1922-1/25/1999)
m. Charles Robetr Martz
a) Regina Pearl (1944-2019)
m. Randolph Wayne Creager
3) Grayson Welty (12/15/1926-1/29/1982)
m. Avada Freeman
4) Daniel J. (8/3/1932-4/20/2006)
5) Martha Luan (11/28/1933-2/6/2019)
m. Ivan Marcellus Williams
6) Mable Ruth (9/18/1936-11/4/2023)
(Obit states she was the last of 10 children)
m. Robert S. Armstrong
a) John R. (7/1/1953-7/14/2017, Bowling Green, KY
b) Sharron A (dec.), m. ___ Smith
c) Pamela R. (dec.), m. ___ Smith
d) Matthew W. (8/30/1959-10/14/1993)
e) Living son
7) Jerry Lee
8) Bernard Basil
9) John Jr.
10) Clarence
b. Wilbur (10/25/1905-1/20/1991)
m. Letha I. Wolfe (d. 1952)
m2. J. Omer Miller
c Mabel (b. 1910)
d. Maurice (b. 7/20/1912-1912), twin
e. James (b. 7/20/1912-1912), twin
f. Charles (b/ 8/5/1913-1913)
g. Lillian (b. 1914)
h. John (b. 1918)
i. George Robert (1/11/1921-2/28/1923 scalded from bucket of hot bran, age 2)
j. Omer J. (1923-1997)
k. Stanley Richard
6. Cludie S. (1889-1890)
7. Oma Hilda (8/17/1891-10/1/1965)
bur. Strasburg Cemetery, Lancaster County, PA
m1. James Wesley Linton
a. Sadie (b. 12/20/1909), m. Paul Landis
b. James (b. 1912)
m2? Marvin Stottlemyer who changed name to Harry Toms
(Oma had left her first husband and lived with Harry as if married. They had Wilbur, Lester, Stacy,
Ethel, and Earl Toms. In 1931 Harry shot at her mother but the bullet entered Oma’s arm and was
never removed. Harry then turned the gun on himself and took his own life.
G. Mary E (2/23/1863-7/18/1875)
VI. Levi (8/6/1823-8/1/1893), bur. Mt. Moriah Lutheran Church Cemetery, Foxville, MD
occ: laborer in 1850, age 20 in household of his mother and sister Levina
m. Mary E. Manahan on 3/23/1852 in Evangelical Lutheran Church, Waynesboro, PA
Children Barbara Ellen, Emma, James, William, and Malissa May were baptized by Pastor Thomas Cross at
the Methodist Episcopal Church in Smithsburg, MD.
A. Alverta (10/19/1850-9/6/1924)
m. Lewis Calvin Harbaugh (2/3/1852-10/17/1924)
occ: farmer, blacksmith, wheelwright
res: Rouzerville, PA
Both bur. Jacob’s Church Cemetery, Liberty Township, Adams Co., PA
1. Clarence F. (8/21/1875-6/12/1942), twin, bur. Rose Hill Cemetery
m1. Maude E. Trovinger (1881-1922) in 1899
a. Lewis Franklin (1899-1922)
b. Hubert Fleet (1902-1974)
c. Cecil Leroy (1/25/1906-8/2/1990)
m. Carrie Elizabeth Hause (1904-1989)
1) Edith Lorraine (9/29/1927-2/26/1982)
m. Norman E. Bowers
2) Betty, m. Tom Hull
3) Dolores, m. Charles Hornbecker
4) Joan (4/1/1932-11/23/2023), m. Richard Kershner
5) Rose Marie (1/5/1938-7/19/2024)
m. Eugene Chester Shank (d. 2015)
6) Cecil L. Jr. (Butch), res: Austin, TX in 2024 per obit for sister
d. Vernon L. (1907-1917)
e. Edward (1908-1908)
f. Edna Catherine (1909-2006)
g. Joseph F. (1910-1911)
h. Emme E. (1912-1958)
i. John A (1916-2000)
m2. Maggie Ellen Ellls (1905-1978) in 1923
j. Norman Edward (1924-1996)
k. Elmer F. (1926-1993)
l. Robert D. (1928-1991)
m. Hilda E. (1931)
2. Clemence Roy (1875-1949), twin
m. Grace Ellen Miller (1880-1955)
a. Alverta Jane (1900-1966)
b. Bessie May (1902-1983
c. Zolan Calvin (1905-1947)
d. Stanley Charles (1906-1979)
e. Russel R. (1908-1974)
f. Lloyd Ellsworth (1909-1944)
g. Leroy Harlan (1911-1986)
h. Harry C. (1913-1966)
i. Lester H. (1914-1957)
j. Geneva G. (1916-1995)
k. Oliver Glen (1917-1917)
l. Maurice Columbus (1919-1985)
m. Ruth Elizabeth (1920-1987)
n. Lottie I. (1924-1972)
3. Arben Reuben (11/6/1877-7/2/1921)
occ: farmer in Harbaugh’s Valley
m. Fannie Alice Miller (1885-1961)
a. Walter C. (1901-1966)
b. Guernon Charles (1904-1967)
c. Floyd Lee (1907-1966)
d. Viola M. (1908-1909)
e. Calvin L. (1909-1984)
f. Roland Harry (1910-1991)
g. Lewis E. (1912-1912)
h. Ira Alfred (1912-1951)
i. Lawrence Wilbur (1915-2007)
j. Roy Arben (1920-2000)
4. Lewis Ellsworth (1981-1930)
occ: bricklayer, Franklin Co., PA
m. Emma Grace Muth (1881-1950)
5. Elbert Cross (8/26/188304/23/1946), twin
m. Bessie M. Muth in 1905
a. Rollin Eugene (1906-1927)
b. Claude Martin (1907-1959)
c. Lewlyen A. (1909-1981)
d. Richard Sheldon (1912-1926)
e. Harold E. (1915-1990)
f. Adaline A. (1918-2016)
g. C. Lorraine (1928-2006)
h. Grace Elizabeth (1930-2004)
i. Patricia A. (1934-1988)
6. Allen Ross (1883-4/20/1944), twin
m1. Maudie E. Eigenbrode (1890-1920)
a. Edgar Allen (1910-1986)
b. Roscoe E. (1914-1966)
c. Ernest Clayton (1916-1961)
d. Melvin (1919-1996)
m2. Verna Hester Eigenbrode (1906-1994) in 1928
e. Reita G. (1927-2017)
7. Harry Clifford (11/26/1884-11/27/1910), bur. Jacobs Church Cemetery
8. Lulu Etta (3/24/1886-6/10/1961 Emmitsburg, MD)
m. Edward Long (1883-1957)
res: farm near Motters Station
a. Opal Rhoda (1906-1982)
b. James Edward (1907-1990)
c. Raymond Elsworth (1910-1910)
d. Guy Louis (1911-2008)
e. Helen Alberta (1914-1914)
f. Pearl Alice (1916-2005)
g. Ray Wilbur (1920-1982)
h. Lulu Mae (1926-2018)
i. Sylvia Irene (1929-2000)
9. Herman Lee (2/27/1889-1952), bur. Rose Hill Cemetery
res; 238 S. Mulberry Street, Hagerstown, MD
occ: plumber at Fairchild Aircraft
m. Bertha Mae Ausherman (1892-1968)
a. Donald Lee (1911-1967)
b. David Bruce (1916-1917)
10. Wilbur Hiram (4/3/1890-4/22/1953)
occ: woodworker
res: Harbaugh’s Valley and Monterey
m. Leath May Fitz
a. Vaughn A. (1914-1978)
b. Frances L. (1915-1974)
c. Doris E. (1923-2010)
d. Robert Elaine (1924-2014)
e. Hiram, res: NYC
f. Frederick
g. James
11. Cora Mae (1893-8/25/1958), bur. Rose Hill Cemetery
m. John David Ausherman (1898-1964)
a. Ivan Leo (1919-2008)
b. Wilmer D. (1921-1995)
c. Dolores Ruth (1931-1992)
B. Alfred (1852-1914)
m. Emma Jane Alice Harbaugh
1. Harlan G. (1883-1883)
C. Emma Cora (4/12/1856-5/9/1857)
D. John H. (2/27/1861-5/26/1926)
m. Ellen Rebecca Wagaman (1863-1937)
occ: farmer
Both buried along with infant children in Germantown Bethel Cemetery, Cascade, MD
1. David R. (10/7/1885-1/28/1886)
2. Berelton C. (2/20/1888-8/30/1888)
3. Leslie L. (3/18/1890-7/11/1890)
4. Fleety W. (9/20/1891-12/16/1891)
5. Elbridge Owen (1/1/1894-6/18/1961)
m. Eula Harbaugh (8/16/1895-7/9/1981 stroke)
occ: Fairchild Aircraft, Hagerstown, MD
mil: WW I
a. John Owen (11/4/1918-4/17/2018, bur. Arlington National Cemetery)
mil: US Army WW II
b. Bertram R. (4/6/1920), m. Betty Swope
c. Harry William (8/3/1921-1945 killed on Iwo Jima, US Marine Corps)
d. Blanche (5/9/1923-4/12/1996), m. Wilbur Bloom
e. Eldrige J. (1/28/1928-12/29/1993), m. Margaret Ann Fritz
mil: S2 US Navy WW II
f. Richard S.
g. F. Eugene
h. Geraldine, m. Raymond Scadden
6. Flossie (8/16/1897-8/13/1897)
E. Barbara Ellen (3/11/1863-1936)
F. Emma K. (5/4/1865-1936)
m. Harry R. Harbaugh
1. Howard Burton (1889-1980)
2. Elva Elizabeth (5/2/1891-1980)
3. Arthur Cleo (1900-1968)
G. James (12/12/1867)
H. William (6/15/1869-11/26/1873)
I. Melissa May (4/14/1871-8/24/1894, malaria) (single)
VII. Daniel (10/6/1825-1/24/1884, aged 59y, 3m, 18d)
m. Sarah Ann Manahan (4/11/1824-1/28/1896, aged 71y, 9m, 13d) on 3/20/1849
Both bur. Mt. Moriah Lutheran Church Cemetery
A. Mary Elizabeth (1850-1851)
B. Clara M. (1851-3/12/1925, age 74y, 1m, 4d)
m. William Toms (6/13/1863-3/31/1945) on 9/16/1886 in German Reformed Church,
Wolfsville, MD
C. John (1852-1856)
D. George William (1853-1915, Cavetown, MD)
m. Mary Ann L. Swope (1860-1900) on 12/7/1876 in German Reformed Church,
Wolfsville, MD, (d/o Jacob and Catherine Louise [Caster] Swope and his 1st cousin once removed)
Both bur. Pleasant Valley United Methodist Church Cemetery
1. Lottie Pearl (d. 1897 infancy)
2. Lillie Ann (4/10/1878-8/6/1943)
m. John Richard Bowman in 1895
a. Wilber Evers (11/10/1895-9/7/1964)
b. Maggie
c. Annie
d. Naomi F. (1905-11/18/1981), m. ___Wilkins
e. Orpha Louise (2/10/1907-4/10/1995), m. Leonard M. Shilling
f. Mary M (2/23/1911-3/13/1999), m. Herman E. Miller
g. Esther V. (4/2/1917-10/15/1943), m. ___Wolfe
h. Richard (d. bef. 1999)
3. Otha Ellsworth (7/18/1880-3/16/1964)
m. Lucinda Pearl Masters (8/7/1881-6/16/1961)
a. Lester Ellsworth (11/5/1905-7/11/1988)
m. Bertha Virgina Potter in 1924
b. Mary Catherine (12/11/1907-2/16/1985)
m. William Leisinger Crum, Sr. on 11/26/1927
c. Charles Leroy (5/5/1909-5/5/1909)
d. Margaret Elizabeth (1/29/1912-5/1/2002), m. Raymond G. Bream
e. Otha Ray (11/4/1914-5/28/2005)
m. Edna B. Brining (1916-1987)
1) William E. (d. bef. 2005)
2) Carolyn R. (10/13/1943-11/24/2023), m. Ronald L. Kline
3) Edna Diane (10/7/1952-2/21/2013)
4) Ken
f. Anna Mae (10/21/1917-12/10/1981), m. Joseph A. Mong
1) Robert A. (7/13/1939-6/2/2014), m. Audrey Elizabeth Haupt
2) David Elsworth (1/23/1942-11/30/2005), m. Donna Elizabeth Brown
3) Terry Lee (10/24/1949-12/22/1968)
g. Lillian Irene (1920-2007), m. Austin V. Martin (1920-1970)
4. Daisy (1882-1899)
5. Jesse Jacob (1884-1953), Pleasant Valley United Methodist Church Cemetery
m. Marjorie Clyde Brown (1891-1976) (d/o David Columbus and Sarah [Lumm] Brown
a. Mahlon Joseph (1909-1960)
m. Viola Elizabeth Toms
1) Robert M. (10/31/1931-1/24/2024)
mil: US Navy Korean War
b. Raymond J. (b. 1910)
c. Nina Pearl (1913-1973), m. Bohn
d. Carmen Irene
e. Lewis Verne (1/17/1917-3/18/1929)
f. Jesse David (6/3/1919-1/11/1996)
m. Beulah Irene Piper on 5/24/1941
g. Ruby Kathleen (1921-1984), m. Sower
h. Iris June (1924-2012)
i. Marjorie (1926-1926)
j. Shirley Viola (9/6/1928-2/10/2002)
m1. Roy Charles Delauter in 1947 (killed in North Korea 12/2/1950, age 21)
1) Living Daughter
2) Living Daughter
m2. George Lee Kline
3) Bernard Lee Kline (1951-1977)
4) Living Son
5) Jesse Jay Kline (1955-1972, hit by car)
k. Dixie Faye (11/19/1929-2/24/2012), m. Charles M. Eccard
l. Harry Wayne (4/14/1934-1/2/1979), m1. Bertha Virginia Poper; m2. Marjorie Smith
m. Judith Dawn (1935-2008), m. Hartman
n. Rosalie Gail (1938-2010), m1. Clark; m2. Smith; m3. Friend
6. Lulu S. (1887-1909)
7. Bertha V. (5/13/188903/15/1953)
m. Lewis Franklin Smith in 1907
8. Daniel B. (d. 1891 infancy)
9. George Ira (8/5/1893-1942)
m. Ida M. Kindle
10. Carrie Marie (1/12/1899012/15/1980)
m. Lester Charles Line
E. Sarah M. (3/20/1855-9/13/1917), bur. Germantown Bethel Church of God Cemetery, Cascade, MD
m. John William Pryor (3/16/1848-3/27/1932) on 3/28/1878, Washington County, MD
1. John W. (1871-1873)
2. Anna Isabelle (10/8/1880-10/9/1936)
3. John Harrison (3/30/1881-11/22/1961)
4. Calvin Theodore (9/3/1883-11/17/1935)
5. William Duce (9/14/1886-10/10/1940)
6. Joseph Hamilton (8/21/1888-5/4/1968)
7. Harvey Ellsworth (9/16/1891-1967)
8. Wachter Dean (10/5/1893-1/11/1954)
9. Clarence Wichifford (9/12/1897-1966)
m. Carrie Mae Wolf (1907-1947)
a. Anna Elizabeth (1927-2016)
b. Clarence Wichifford (1932-1976)
c. Frederick L.
d. Ernest Eugene (1935-1976)
F. David M. (3/17/1857-10/10/1933)
m. Laura M. Smith (1858-1919)
Both bur. Mt. Moriah Lutheran Church Cemetery
1. Daniel Ervin (10/9/1893-8/23/1957)
m. Margaret Olevia Dorsey (1893-1979)
a. Lillian M. (9/1/1914-12/3/1993), m. Earl M. Wineman
b. Doris L. (7/13/1923-12/12/2016), m. Clifford C. Harold
2. Charles Allen (1898-1966)
m. Hilda Mae Arnsperger (1898-1967)
a. Agnes Mae (1923-1998)
m1. Norman Murdorf; m2. Wilbur Toms; m3. John L. Grimes
b. Robert Morris (1925-2007)
m. Georgetta Weddle
mil: US Army WW II
c. Paul Richard (4/26/1929-12/10/2002)
m. Mary Elizabeth Andrew
mil: US Army medic in Korean Conflict
d. Pearl Eleanora (8/19/1930-10/3/2017)
m. Roland S. Renner
e. Charles W.
f. Harold E. (1938-1965)
g. Donald L. (12/27/1940-6/4/2007)
3. Ivy Pearl (1901-10/3/1971)
m. Harry William Baugher
G. James R. (1859-10/1869, aged 10y, 1m, 5d)
H. H. Calvin (1860-1923)
m. Linnie Wolfe (11/22/1868-1/31/1927)
I. Daniel W, d. infancy
J. Barbara E, d. 4/13/1863
K. Charles W. (d. age 4)
VIII. Mary Magdalena (b. 1826)
m. Abraham Comfort
A. Catharine E.
B. Martin F.
C. Hiram E. (1843-after 1871), bur. Mt. Moriah Lutheran Church Cemetery
mil: Company D, 6th Maryland Regiment, Union Army, August 8, 1862-June 20, 1865
m. Mary Catherine Smith
1. Charles L. (1866-1866)
2. Emmaline (Emma) Lee (11/10/1867-3/26/1945)
m. Lewis F. Smith (1859-1936)
a. Clarence Arthur (1887-1949)
m. Elsie Toms
b. Alvey R. (1888-1965)
m. Melzena Grace Wolf
c. Lula Belle Mae (1890-1976)
m. Theodore Sebastian Forrest
d. Alice L. (1893-1983)
m. Mahlon M. Bowman
e. Marion M. (1895-1965)
m. Pearl Rae Wolf
f. Allen Russell (1896-1955, suicide)
m. Mazie Viola Smith
g. Reno K. (1889-1969)
m. Stella M. Wolf
h. Sadie M. (2/4/1900-7/4/1967)
1) Evelyn P. (1/20/1917-11/10/1918)
2) Mary Margaret (12/22/1919-12/8/1976)
m. Donald Glenn Wolfe
3) Agnes Marie (4/7/1925-10/3/1979)
m. Sotero Abiba (4/22/1908 Philippines-4/22/2003 Virginia Beach, VA)
mil: US Navy 1927-1947; served as personal steward and chauffeur to Presidents Franklin D.
Roosevelt and Harry S Truman for 16 years; cut Winston Churchill’s hair at Camp David;
was at Yalta and Potsdam; cook at Ft. Detrick for 17 years
4) Betty Jane (8/2/1926-1/29/2010)
5) George A. (12/19/1928-11/21/2003), bur. Mt. Moriah Lutheran Church Cemetery
m. Ada Grace Portner (12/8/1930-1998), bur. Brown’s Cemetery
6) Elaine M. (4/19/1933-4/2/1989), bur. Mt. Bethel Cemetery, Garfield, MD
m. Stanley G. Baker (1932-2001)
i. Grace L. (1902-1912)
j. Howard E. (1904-1991)
m. Mae C. Kline
k. Keller (1906) (?)
l. Melvin Leroy (1906-1976)
m. Lupha Inez Fritz
m. Marcellus (?)
3. Ida C. (1871-1871)
D. Mary Jane
IX. Levina (6/23/1832-9/9/1859), single, bur. Mt. Moriah Lutheran Church Cemetery